Basic Concepts of Training Theory Part 3 : Generalized Theories Of Training - My notes of the book Science and Practice of Strength Training by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky & William J. Kraemer.

Training Effects

Well, the title says it all. But still, allow me to elaborate. Training effects are the changes that occur within the body as a result of training.

Now, this seems logical. Your butt gets sore from squats, your arms feel heavy after doing curls, your feet hurt from running 5k. While logical, we can further analyze and differentiate the different effects (see what I did there). 

  • Acute Effects 
These are the changes that occur during exercise, like the well known "pump" aka the increased blood flow to the area that's being trained.
  • Immediate Effects
Immediate effects are those effects that happen as a result of a training session, soon manifested after the workout itself. The lowering of clinical blood pressure levels after aerobic exercise would be a good example here.
  • Cumulative Effects
These are the effects that take place after multiple training sessions/seasons. A bad cumulative effect would be an increase in inflammation due to an extensive lack of recovery.
  • Delayed Effects
Also called chronic effects, these are manifested over a given time interval after a training routine. Lowering of cholesterol levels seems to be an example of a delayed effect of prolonged physical exercise.
  • Partial Effects
Changes produced by single training means, the bench press exercise will produce a certain adaptation while a squat exercise will not produce that same effect.
  • Residual Effects
-"The retention of changes after the cessation of training beyond time periods during which adaptation can take place." 

Simply put, what training adaptations you maintain while you binge-watch a netflix show and forget to go to the gym for too long.
Important to note that retention of the improved motor abilities, muscle gains, etc. keeps decreasing over time due to detraining.

Thanks for reading, until next time

- Thomas

Sources :

Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. & Kraemer, William J. Science and Practice of Strength Training 2nd Edition (2006)

The delayed effects of prolonged physical exercise and physical training on cholesterol level. - B. Dufaux, G. Assmann, H. Schachten, W. Hollmann. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology. Februari 1982, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp 25-29

Acute and chronic effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on ambulatory blood pressure. - Crivaldo Gomes Cardoso, Jr,I Ricardo Saraceni Gomides,I Andréia Cristiane Carrenho Queiroz,I Luiz Gustavo Pinto,IFernando da Silveira Lobo,I Tais Tinucci,I Décio Mion, Jr,II and Claudia Lucia de Moraes ForjazI - Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2010 Mar; 65(3): 317–325.

Latella, C., Teo, WP., Harris, D. et al. Eur J Appl Physiol (2017) 117: 2211.
