Simplifying Physical Success

KISS : Keep It Simple Stupid.

Recently I decided to start preparing for my very first powerlifting competition. 

I found myself obsessively re-searching training methods, programs, exercises, etc. 

One could say that this is the right way to go about planning a preparatory schedule for a competition. 

I'd agree, but I realized that training in itself is just one piece of the puzzle. Too many people (myself included) focus solely on the aspect of training, forever searching for the next best training system or exercise. While in fact, nearly all training programs work if they follow some basic scientific principles. 

This raised the question, how can I optimize my preparation and what elements does the term "preparation" include for me? 

In this post I'll try to lay out what I've found nearly everybody that excels (athletically) does consistently. The following are in no particular order regarding importance, maximizing your preparedness comes from managing EVERY single step. 

  • Diet
This is quite the no-brainer, ever felt like shit physically after having eaten pizza? Yes? Don't eat pizza. 

Eat high-quality foods in the quantity your body needs to perform optimally. 

I won't be going deeper into which specific foods are high-quality and which aren't. Because quite frankly, you already know. 

  • Sleep
Quantity : Experiment with how many hours of sleep you need to feel refreshed and awake. This is very personal, but as a general rule of thumb you'll need around 8 hours.

Quality : No electronics an hour before bed, keeping your room pitch black, keeping your room cool (in a temperature kind of way), don't snooze, taking care of your circadian rhythm, etc.

  • Mobility
Having adequate mobility will help you perform movements in a proficient way, and may help you avoid injuries. 

Bottom line, don't skip mobility work. 

  • Technique
This ties in with having adequate mobility, but technique has to be practiced regularly to develop consistent motor patterns. 

Review and optimize your technique constantly, and reap the benefits.

  • Mentality / Mental Health
Acting out of the right mindset/mind-frame will make the difference in being crushed under stress and thriving on it. 

Some develop these positive mindsets organically during their upbringing and whatever the situation, they're likely to stay calm and collected, because it's something inherent to them. 

Others/most grow up to be insecure. However, due to recent research on neuroplasticity it's clear that these traits can be improved.

I'm certainly not the perfect role-model but I know for a fact that practicing meditation and doing some reading on stoic philosophy can help you a great deal.

  • Supplements
Certain food-supplements can help you get 1% better. It may be the deciding factor in winning or losing.

  • Knowledge
Most successful people have an deep understanding of what they're doing, whether it's physically, business,... related. 

Continuing to learn and understand things is key. Know that you don't know.

  • Training
As I said in the intro, this is a part that is focused too much on, simply because people neglect the other points. Nonetheless, it's necessary. Train hard.

  • Hormone Regulation
Whether you're chemically enhanced or not, I really don't care. Keep an eye out for symptoms that may indicate a deficiency or an excess in a particular hormone. 

For example, a deficiency in testosterone will lead to an inability to recover optimally.

There we have it, quite the winning formula right?

Now, let us all put this knowledge to good use and execute on it.

Thanks for reading,

- Thomas

References :

- My logical thinking brain. (Rarely used though)
